2010년 3월 31일 수요일

Journal 5

The Topic of the journal
Summarize what you have learned about discourse markers. Tell us how much do you care discourse markers (consciously, unconsciously)when you read English texts?

My answer
Discourse markers show the relationship the writer intended between two parts of the text. Markers signal the sequence of events, discourse organization, and the writer’s point of view. Additive, adversative, casual, and disjuncts are kinds of markers. In addition, which is also a discourse marker, conjunctions are a subset of discourse markers.
Usually, I deal with these conjunctions unconsciously. I read the text and if I see a conjunction, I can predict what will come next. But, in sometimes, when the text is hard to understand, the conjunctions are a hint to comprehend the text. I can guess what the author really intended. I could see the flow of text by focusing on the discourse markers. Therefore, it sometimes becomes useful to appreciate the passage.

2010년 3월 30일 화요일

Journal 4

The Topic of the Journal

Think about how well you have trained word attack skills to effectively use three strategies (p.66-73) in English class throughout your secondary school years. What strategies were more highlighted? Or what strategies were ignored? Tell us how you want to teach word attack skills to your students in the future.

My writing
Now I’m reminding how I studied vocabulary when I was in high school. I could remind three ways. First, rote memorization of words. Second, use suffix and prefix. Last one, making an image of words with using the similar pronunciation between Korean and English. Of course, inferring the meaning of the words are used. Because some CSAT English test questions ask student to infer the meaning of the word. So inferring the words were important and practical method in Korean English education.
The method that I want to use is similar. I want to utilize suffix and prefix, inferring the words, of course, and repetition. I made special effort to memorize words but I learned new words naturally by facing the words repeatedly. In addition, as we can’t use dictionaries every time, making students be able to infer is crucial. Inferring is a powerful skill so that students don’t have to rely on dictionaries but can read texts more quickly without suffering difficulties.

2010년 3월 19일 금요일

Journal 3

The Topic of the Journal
Suppose your younger brother, nine year old, does not read in English yet, so your mother decided to send him to Hakwon. But 3 months later he ended up feeling that English is simply nightmare. He hates doing phonics workbook and memorizing words. He doesn't want to go to Hakwon anymore. Your mother is anxoius and worried about your brother, so asks you how to help him enjoy reading in English? What would you say?

My Writing
It seems as if he, 9-year-old brother, doesn't like phonics and memorizing words. It is not for him. I would rather try to make reading interesting and easier. I would recommend comic books or funny short story books, which also have audio or video recorded version. Surely, he has to be interested in the books. This is a prerequisite thing to use this method.
If he is interested in reading the book, he will try to understand what is written. For understanding, he may find words' meaning he doesn't know or try to analyse the structure of difficult sentences or use other strategy to read the book. By doing this, he may be able to improve his reading skills.
In addition, audio and video material may give a chance to him to learn the sound. By watching this material, he may discover the way of pronounce.

Journal 2

The Topic of the Journal
Reading must be the interaction of many variables in the reading process. What kinds of reading interaction have you experienced? Think about your reading process and try to apply your thought into any interaction model introduced in this chapter.

My writing
I could say interactive reading is a mixture of 'Top-down approach' and 'Bottom-up approach', according to the text book, page 17.
When I come up with while I'm reading the text book, I use both of them. For Top-down approach, I try to find topic sentence and general idea. Then I summarize what I've read. On the other hand, for Bottom-up approach, I always find the meaning of key or important words that I don't know.
In my case, I find the words first. Then I try to capture general idea of the paragraph and chapter. Therefore, I could say I use Bottom-up approach first and Top-down approach later.

2010년 3월 7일 일요일

Journal 1. What do you usually read in English?

Journal 1. What do you usually read in English?
What I read in English in the UK..
I tried to read a newspaper every week. I bought weekend version of a newspaper, which contains more articles and information than weekday version. If I bought one newspaper at weekend, I could read that all week. I normally bought ‘The Times’ or ‘The Guardian’. This habit was for my English reading skills to improve.
In addition, I read news article that is provided my BBC News and free newspaper, ‘Metro’ and ‘Evening Standard’. Of course, as I was in the UK, almost everything, such as signs or notice board or British websites or even cereal boxes when I was having breakfast was written in English. I read all of them whenever I saw and I needed to get some knowledge.
Also, while I was taking English courses, I had to read textbook written in English, like Headway, InsideOut, or Innovation.
What I read in English in Korea…
There are many signs written in English in Korean street. Many advertisements are using English to attract consumers. But I think this kind of things is just seen, not read. So if I concentrate on the meaning of ‘reading’, I could say I read textbooks written in English for studying. Many professors use English textbooks. I have to read them to study.
Still, I read BBC News. What is more, I use English to contact to my international friends by facebook. I read their message and e-mail which are written in English.
I expect to keep reading English textbook for my further study. If I can go to study abroad, I will have to read English everyday in the foreign country.